PBIS - G Coin

PBIS > G Coin



Lilly and Brandon are March’s G Coin recipients. They were nominated by Deans Kass and Perisee.

pbis g coin lilly hess 2024 04 10

Dean Kass gave Lily the G Coin for being involved in multiple sports and clubs and maintaining nearly perfect attendance throughout this school year. In addition, during a recent fight in the building Lily stepped in and helped to separate the two students while remaining calm and collected.

pbis g coin brandon ellis 2024 04 10

Dean Perisee gave Brandon the G Coin for going above and beyond expectations by actively intervening and helping break up an altercation between two other students.  With unwavering composure and a genuine concern for the well-being of others, Brandon demonstrated outstanding conflict resolution skills.  This certificate is a testament to Brandon’s commitment to fostering a positive atmosphere and ensuring the well-being of his peers.  May his actions serve as an inspiring example for others, highlighting the impact that individual courage and compassion can have on our school community.

Congratulations, Lilly and Brandon!

As part of their recognition for this award, Lilly and Brandon also got to choose a new item of Ram Wear.





Each administrator at Glenbard East has a coin in his or her possession that looks like the one pictured below here. 

Untitled design

At some point during the school year, when a student showcases one or multiple areas of our PBIS shield by being observed doing something above and beyond, an administrator can give out the “G Coin.”