Emphasizing being on time, the Survivor Attendance Challenge determines which 2nd period classes can go a full calendar month without having ANY students tardy-unexcused to class.
No HERO passes are allowed. The TV monitors in hallways as well as updates via Schoology keep students informed of which classrooms are “surviving” throughout the month.
Students should be sure to be on time — to keep their class in the running for a donut party delivered by our very own principal, Mr. Anderson.
Good luck to all!
Being on time ties into the Glenbard Profile of a Graduate competency of Self-Empowered, which includes self-management.
Being on time to class shows that students have the ability to self-manage their time and actions during passing periods.
GPS Parent Series in Urdu: Saleha Jawaid / The Essentials of Positive Parenting
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